161 RP Rewind
162 Applications
174 Business
180 Financials
182 Technology
188 Interview

190 A discussion of single-use plastics in medical settings
A. Jahnke

193 An interview with EconCore
C. McGuire

195 The development of reed composite fiber boards using partially bio-based, formaldehyde- and monomeric isocyanate-free resins
E. Keijsers, M. van den Oever, J. van Dam, A. Lansbergen, C. Koning and H. van den Akker

204 Methyl methacrylate (MMA) adhesives – A trending procedure in the marine industry
J. Martin

208 Cutting edge of composite processing
L. Nickels

212 Innovative bio-composite bicycle swing bridge ‘‘Ritsumasyl’’ in the Netherlands shows why the industry should embrace bio-based composites
D. Mathijsen

Published: 2024-12-18